Thursday 26 February 2009

Usrah Umar Show Episode 2 (16/02/09)

Salam brothers and sisters, here is our second podcast.In this podcast we discuss the following:

1) Reminder - About Suspicions
2) Islamic Issue - Drugs & Alcohol
3) Current Affairs - Geert Wilders Ban On The Quran & Muslim Glasgow MP "Bashir Ahmed"Passes Away.

Please comment and spread this page around. Please forgive us if we have said anything that may offend you.


Disclaimer: The opinions voiced in the podcast are not the opinions of YM (Young Muslims) Organisation.


  1. Salam lads
    very insightful work. lots of valid points raised. keep it up!

  2. Salam guys,

    Liked the reminder, topics and points were good as they were easy to relate to. Liked the structure and flow.

    Maybe something to add would be asking people what points or reminders they'd like to hear you guys cover (maybe have a voting system on the website?) at least that way you know what people would like to hear. Overall I liked it great work ;)


  3. Think of a better title than Usrah Umar show! :P

  4. Salam boyz,

    I would like say I am very impressed with this usrah umar show. I think its a very good way of getting the youth involved and learning more about Islam.

    One thing which I would recommend is that, you should have an online voting system in which people vote for the topics thay want you to talk about in your next episode.

    That way more people would listen to your programme and feel more enganged with it.
